Hey there.
Im just starting up this blog which I will eventually link to my website which is being set up by my brother which will feature stuff I make and like to make such as 3D Acrylic nails, jewllery, accessories and fashion. As I have a diploma and nearly an advanced diploma of fashion and do I love it.
Im 20 I am 100% Australian and I love it but just not so much everyone in it. I live in Brisbane so hopefully through this blog I can meet lots of like minded gals and Japanese street style enthusists in Brisbane and all over the world :)
This blog will include anything to do with day to day, things I love, outfits, accessories, makeup, nail stuffs, trends, clothing and food and crazy shit. Cause thats how I roll.
I love Japanese street styles and Ive gone through many styles, still not quite sure what sticks to me best but in particular I love visual rock inspired clothing, punk, gyaru, lolita and different types of fruits and goth. Yeah Im varied and it really depends on my mood and the weather, as being in Brisbane it gets very very hot and humid!!!!! so yeah sometimes I cant do much or wear much. :p
At the moment I am really into gyaru but usually its that or visual rock/punky type clothing. They are my two favourite styles.
Soon I will show pics of self but I really do need a mirror otherwise more difficult to take outfit shots, etc.
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